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C.S. Lewis’ Prophetic Warning: A World Adrift Without a Moral Compass
C. S. Lewis (AF archive/Alamy Stock Photo)
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C.S. Lewis’ Prophetic Warning: A World Adrift Without a Moral Compass 

Recently, C.S. Lewis’ 77-year-old article gained renewed attention, offering insights into a world grappling with moral uncertainty.

It addresses a world grappling with moral uncertainty, seen by some as prophetic regarding 2023-2024 society.

Published in 1946 by the British Strand Magazine, the article “A Christmas Sermon for Pagans” was written by the renowned Christian apologist. Lewis wrote the sermon during a time of societal moral crisis.

Fox News Digital noted the trend of “The ‘Christmas Sermon’ on social media.” This sparked discussions on Lewis’ moral certainty concepts among scholars and diverse faith communities.

Lewis claimed there are three groups: the oblivious to their ailment (the post-Christians), the aware (Pagans), and the cured (Christians).

He wrote, “those who are sick and don’t know it (the post-Christians),” “those who are sick and know it (Pagans),” and “those who have found the cure” (Christians).

For those who have moved beyond Christianity, he penned, “There is no objective Right or Wrong: each race or class can invent its own code or ‘ideology’ just as it pleases.”

The acclaimed author proceeded to outline the logical dilemma inherent in the post-Christian perspective.

He stated, “If there is no real Wrong and Right, nothing good or bad in itself, none of these ideologies can be better or worse than another.”

Lewis emphasized the need for objectivity, stating a superior moral code is defined in proximity to a real or absolute code.

Without an objective standard, selecting ideologies becomes subjective, akin to preferring one map of New York over another.

He clarified, “If there is no objective standard, then our choice between one ideology and another becomes a matter of arbitrary taste.”

A hope for collective spiritual peace and understanding

In his post-WWII column, Lewis critiques the lack of true moral struggle in the war, deeming it a missed opportunity.

He wrote, “Our battle for democratic ideals against Nazi ideals has been a waste of time because the one is no better than the other.”

Lewis concluded that without a real goal, there is no genuine basis for improvement or deterioration, rendering actions purposeless.

The sermon, as noted by Fox News Digital’s Kerry J. Byrne, foretells cultural conflicts that unfolded after the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks.

In his closing words, Lewis extended hope to non-Christians globally, emphasizing the enduring significance of the Christmas narrative.

Lewis stated, “All over the world (even in Japan, even in Russia), men and women will meet on Dec. 25 to do what is a very old-fashioned and, if you like, a very Pagan thing—to sing and feast because a God has been born.”

He suggested that in times of uncertainty, risking our last hope, exploring the alternative is a pursuit well worth considering.

Lewis concluded by writing, “Who knows but that here, and here alone, lies your way back not only to Heaven but to Earth too, and to the great human family whose oldest hopes are confirmed by this story that does not die?”

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